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Table 3 Summary of Thematic Framework

From: Recipients’ and providers’ perspectives of obesity and potential barriers to weight management programmes in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): a qualitative study



Core theme

Impact of weight gain

Uncertainty of symptoms

Effect on mood

Internal struggle

Emotional response

The psychosocial impact of living with RA and obesity


Utilisation of public facilities

Active engagement with RA by patients


The role of food

Coping strategies


External barriers

Internal and external psychosocial challenges

Unpredictability of the course of RA as a long term condition.

Impact on lifestyle

Impact of living with RA

Challenges of living with RA and obesity

Frustration of weight

Challenge of weight loss with RA

Problems of obesity alongside RA

Engagement with Health Service.

Working whilst living with RA.

Impact of external factors

Operational expectations

Psychosocial expectation

Expectations of a bespoke weight management programme

Considerations about future weight management programmes

Practical requirements of support for weight management programme.

Views on technology in relation to a weight management programme.

Practicalities of designing and running a weight management programme

The role of peer support

Group dynamics

Purpose of weight management group


Awareness of obesity as a public health issue