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Table 2 Parents’ perceptions of appropriate responses to unhealthy food advertising

From: A conceptual classification of parents’ attributions of the role of food advertising in children’s diets

High locus of control

Advertising as negative

Quadrant 1: Parents need to exert control (35%)

Quadrant 2: Everything is okay (13%)

Advertising as neutral

- Watch commercial-free TV channels

- Everything in moderation

- Change channels during ad breaks

- Unhealthy foods used for treating

- Just say no

- Physical activity can counteract unhealthy food consumption

- Avoid using food as a reward


- Model healthy eating behaviors


- Teach children to understand the purpose of advertising


Profile: Normal weight parents with lower levels of television viewing

Profile: Females of normal weight with one child

Quadrant 4: Something should be done (43%)

Quadrant 3: Ambivalence (9%)

- Ban advertisements

- More advertisements for healthy foods

- Control content of advertisements

- Better advertisements for healthy foods

- Control timing of advertisements

- The power of peers

Profile: Overweight or obese parents who are heavy television viewers

Profile: Overweight parents with lower education levels and 2+ children

Low locus of control